Electronic Health Records provide the ability to keep all information in one place, streamlining and organizing the process of recording a patient’s history, screens, conditions, and visits.
The electronic health record can be a valuable tool for practices that are implementing Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). These IRETA webinars and other materials assist in the use of an EHR to implement and improve your SBIRT workflow.
Discover tools that easily add screen results into your records or even set the software to remind you to follow up on a patient’s next visit. EHRs can also generate billing information, making SBIRT that much easier to incorporate into a routine. Going beyond technological tips, experts can share recommendations about working with people–both health practitioners and their patients.
My Take on EHRs and SBIRT
Jim Winkle uses his own experiences helping clinics implement SBIRT to show ways that electronic health records can be part of a strong SBIRT plan.
EHR software does not come ready to conduct SBIRT, but there are several ways to add this functionality. Learn how EHR tools can remind you to screen on a regular basis, easily record the results of your screening and brief interventions, and generate appropriate billing and diagnosis codes.
Implementation of SBIRT Into Electronic Health Records: From Documentation to Data
John McAteer uses his personal experience and expertise with SBIRT for alcohol use. He helped over 50 primary care facilities begin to use SBIRT, with EHR integration. He goes over the technology available for use and how to use EHR data to evaluate and improve your program. Discover alerts, templates, and treatment program locators.
SBIRT and the Electronic Health Record
People with problematic substance use patterns go to every medical practice, and understanding their drug or alcohol use can help you better treat their other conditions. Tom McLellan shares the myriad barriers that can arise when trying to use EHRs for SBIRT. He suggests solutions to issues with limited resources, competing priorities, and uncomfortable medical providers.
What’s Your Take on EHRs and SBIRT?
Les Sperling spent the last seven years helping addiction treatment providers across Kansas. He guides the viewer through the process of adding SBIRT to an existing EHR workflow. Questions about billing are answered regarding both private insurance and medicare. He shows how EHRs can track Referral to Treatment and follow up on a patient’s further activities.
Additional Resources
Indiana SBIRT’s guide to modifying your EHR tool
An online guide to collecting key data, using that data to inform clinical choices, and calculating outcome measures. Includes a video walkthrough.
SBIRT New Hampshire’s guide to EHR
A “playbook” for incorporating SBIRT into an EHR. It can lead to practice from preparatory stages to perfecting workflow to reflection. This is a highly detailed guide.
Commentary on the EHR an ‘essential tool’ for SBIRT
This commentary focuses on evidence about routine screening and intervention for alcohol/drug use and related disorders in primary care. Federal efforts in developing common data elements for use as screeners for substance use and related disorders are described. A pressing need for empirical data on SBIRT for drug-related disorders to inform SBIRT and related EHR efforts is highlighted.